Monday, July 12, 2010

results from previous dinner

Hello wonderful peeps,
so we left off with an ambitious dinner plan consisting of bruschetta,lamb chops, and vanilla ice cream with fruit. Results were that the bruschetta was wonderful and so was the dessert. Not so much the lamb chops! you see they were quite thick and as I had feared they remained undercooked. I decided to cook them in pan after brushing them with oil and spices...but next time I will try broiling them...since that might be safer :)
In terms of the bruschetta...I simply cut plum tomatoes and mixed them with oil, salt, and basil. Meanwhile, I cut a baguette in slices and let them bake in the oven for about 5 minutes. After that, I added the tomato mixture on top of the bread and that was it!
For the dessert, I put diced strawberries first, then vanilla ice cream, and blueberries on was yummmmyyyy.


  1. This is a classic case of: "Less Is More".
    And brava on trying lamb chops!

  2. Get yourself a ss skillet....sear the chops....then put skillet in broiler...flip once....foolproof!!!
