Wednesday, July 7, 2010

1st day of blogging....

I have been thinking about blogging for quite a while now, but a few obstacles have prevented me from doing it: 1) lack of time, 2) second language barrier, 3) low-self esteem in my writing skills.
So, why...would you say have I finally decided to just go through with it? The answer is, all the above reasons are just mere justifications for not starting the wonderful blogging adventure...and I am definitely in need of an adventure at the moment! Furthermore, being 26, from Italy and with a mother who is a wonderful cook, I have just now put the apron on and started another little adventure...that is: cooking!
Now, another question one might ask is how is it possible that a 100% born and raised Italian has never cooked before? Reason being that I was raised to be a book worm while my mother would create these delicious recipes that were mouth-watering. As a result, I never found the need to learn how to cook. And even when I moved to the States for my higher education, I preferred cafeteria food (I know..I know) to actually making an effort to learn how make a simple tomato sauce!
So now that I have my own kitchen and someone to cook for (my wonderful fiancee), I have decided to make the kitchen my favorite place in the house and to start a series of recipes that I will share with the world! or perhaps 1 or 2 wonderful bloggers that will decide to follow me.
Also, because I suffer from a need to have many interests at once, I shall share my experience as a competitive amateur dancer, and an amateur fashionista....while dropping an an italian word here and there just for the heck of it. Let's start with translating the title of my blog: "L'amore per il cibo...ed altro."

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